Offshore Rigger Work Accident Case Study
Our client, an oil platform rigger, contacted us via a referral from his union, Unite, with a view to making a claim for the work accident finger injury he sustained while working offshore in December 2017.
The background
On the night of the offshore work accident, at approximately 10.30pm during his 7pm to 7am nightshift, our client was working alongside several colleagues to remove spools from a module as part of a pre-rig job. The work was being carried out in a tight space.
It was during this task that, owing to a communication failure on the part of a newly qualified colleague, our client's left-hand became trapped between a spool and a motor. Once his hand was freed our client felt pain in his ring and middle fingers. He removed his glove and noticed blood. He immediately attended the medical facility on the platform where he received some rudimentary treatment from an on-board medic who also entered details of the incident into the accident book.
The consequences
The following day, the offshore worker was taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary where medical staff confirmed that he had sustained a fracture to his finger. He was given a splint for his finger and told to wear it for two weeks.
Since the accident, the claimant's fingers typically become sore in cold weather, are slightly misshapen. The injury has prevented him from carrying out his main leisure activities of playing snooker and playing drums to pre-accident levels. He has also required extensive help with domestic tasks. Furthermore, he felt unable to safely return to his previous working role on the platform.
The settlement
Thompsons personal injury solicitors in Scotland intimated a work accident finger injury claim to the Unite member's employers and liability was accepted by their insurance company. We instructed a consultant orthopaedic surgeon to prepare a report on the man's injuries. This confirmed that he had sustained a three-month fracture injury.
We put forward the medical report and our valuation. The defender made an offer of £5,200, but after a discussion with the claimant this was rejected. Following this, we received a further offer of £6,000.
This offer was formally accepted on 5 July 2019.