Warehouse Trip Accident Case Study
Thompsons' trip accident solicitors in Scotland were contacted by the claimant, Mr Mark Duff, a 35-year-old man form Motherwell, via his union, Usdaw, in relation to the head injury he sustained in a workplace accident on 10 April 2019.
The background
Mr Duff had been working a 6am-2pm shift at the Co-Operative Distribution Centre in Edinburgh Road, Newhouse, when, unloading goods in the warehouse, his foot became caught on some shrink wrap that had been left behind by a forklift driver and was protruding onto the ground from beneath a pallet.
As a result of his foot becoming caught, Mr Duff fell head-first into metal racking, struck his head and lost consciousness.
The consequences
In the immediate aftermath of the accident, Mr Duff experienced profuse bleeding from a laceration on his head and was taken to hospital, where his wound was glued closed.
Although he only took four days off work, he has been left with a scar on his head and now experiences headaches, including migraines. He was also left unable to pursue his usual leisure activities, including badminton and working out.
Thompsons instructed a medical expert to provide a report. The consultant diagnosed a minor closed head injury and suggested symptoms would resolve within a period of eight months.
The settlement
Thompsons trip accident solicitors in Scotland intimated a claim to Mr Duff's employers. Shortly afterwards, their insurance company admitted liability and offered a settlement of £4,710.
This was discussed with Mr Duff and subsequently rejected. Another offer, this time for £6,710, was put forward. Again, this was rejected. A further offer of £7,250 was put forward and accepted, with settlement finalised on 7 November 2019.