Scottish PiP Victims React to UK Health Committee Report
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Reacting to the House of Commons Health Committee’s report into the PiP scandal spokeswoman for the PiP Implants Scotland campaign group, Trisha Devine, said:
“We welcome any efforts made to learn lessons from this scandal. There are some good points in here that should be taken on board like:
- Getting the NHS in Scotland to find a way to make sure that women getting a removal on the NHS can also get a replacement in the same operation.
- Better tracking of implants.
- Surgeons providing more information to women on the dangers and life of their implants.
- Making sure that private clinics are expected to act in the same way as NHS clinics when the MHRA issue notices.
“These are all good points for the future, but the victims of this scandal are still living their nightmare today.
“The support you get is still different depending on your private clinic; some are getting free removal and replacement and others are being asked to pay for their replacements or being asked to sign away their legal rights in return for treatment. This kind of lottery just isn’t fair; it has to stop.
“If women would like any advice we’re here to help. We would urge women to get in touch with us through our facebook page or our website ”
“This intervention from MPs is welcome and we hope that the Scottish Government will take this away and apply what should be applied in Scotland.
“These women’s lives have been taken over by worry and fear; they either worry about their implants rupturing or fear what damage their rupture may have done to them. On anyone’s analysis that’s nothing short of a nightmare.
“The name above the clinic door still determines whether you get a free replacement or keep your legal rights intact. This is simply unacceptable.
“The victims of this scandal have rights just like any other consumer. They have the right to demand compensation for the cost of scans, removal, replacement as well as the pain and suffering caused by this whole nightmare.
“Our message to the clinics is therefore quite clear: act responsibly or face the legal consequences.”