PIP victims disgusted as verdict on trial delayed until December
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Victims of the PIP implant scandal have today (Friday) expressed disgust after the month long trial of PIP boss Jean Claude Mas ended with a deferred verdict. The founder of the French company behind the flawed breast implants has been on trial charged with fraud and causing involuntary injury. The trial which was due to conclude today has now deferred reaching a verdict until 10 December 2013.
Jenny Brown is another victim who has suffered months of ill health as a result of ruptured implants. She added: “I feel completely deflated. The whole ordeal has left me feeling exhausted and without any hope. Today should have been a day which offered PIP victims a glimmer of hope but instead this has been smashed into smithereens. All we want is closure and that now feels further away than ever.”
Jean Claude Mas is the founder of French company Poly Implant Prothese which manufactured sub standard breast implants using industrial silicon, used to stuff mattresses as a way of cutting costs. Around 4,000 Scots women were among the 300,000 women worldwide affected by the PIP scandal.
Thompsons Partner Patrick McGuire is acting for the majority of Scottish women pursuing civil action over the faulty implants. He said: “Deferring a verdict on the PIP trial will come as a real body blow not only for the thousands of Scottish victims but for the tens of thousands of women all round the world who have been to hell and back at the hands of Jean Claude Mas. This is a huge disappointment but only fuels our desire to fight for just recompense for the victims through the civil courts.”
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