Accident Claims for Helicopter Crashes
Specialist accident claim solicitors here to help
Even with the most highly skilled pilot in control, helicopters are very difficult to fly.
The risk of accidents is often increased by the conditions in which they are required to fly, whether that is in poor weather, with poor vision, or flying at low altitudes. Mechanically, helicopters are extremely complex machines, featuring many moving parts. To be safe, the maintenance regime must be regular and vigorous. A problem with the mechanics or a pilot's error can easily lead to an accident, and with such heavy machinery operating at height, one simple mistake can have devastating effects.
Accidents involving helicopters occur far too often. The Department for Transport statistics show that passengers on helicopters are far more likely to be injured than those on airplanes, in cars or trains. And the problem is one that is particularly close to home; the Scottish territorial waters have a particularly bad accident record.
Sadly, when helicopters crash, the resulting injuries to the victims are likely to be severe, disabling and, often, fatal.
In the event of an accident, not only are the pilot and their passengers vulnerable, but anyone in the area below could in danger as well. For instance, one of the most disastrous incidents to happen in Scotland, in recent years, was the police helicopter crash into the Clutha Bar in Glasgow, in November 2013, in which ten people died. It followed a crash in August 2013 in which a Super Puma carrying 18 people from the Borgsten Dolphin oil rig crashed into the North Sea. Four people died in the incident.
Getting the right help after a fatal accident
Needless to say, losing a loved one to such a tragedy is devastating, creating a very difficult and emotional time for you and your family. That's why when the families of those killed in a helicopter crash look for legal support, they need lawyers they can trust. So that they can get the fair amount of compensation to help them cope with their loss, they need lawyers who understand the law, have a detailed and practical knowledge of the mechanical and aviation side of helicopter flight and who are equipped to provide the immediate care and support that they will require, showing the utmost sympathy and understanding to their situation,
The lawyer must also appreciate the complexities of working with all of the agencies involved in the aftermath of a helicopter accident, including the Civil Aviation Authority, the Police, the Crown Office, the Air Accident Investigation Branch and the courts. This is necessary to ensure that the family’s voice is heard and any concerns or demands they have are met. Frequently this will include fighting for a fatal accident inquiry.
There are very few firms in Scotland with everything that is needed. But at Thompsons, we possess all the necessary skills and expertise to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
Thompsons' fatal accident lawyers are experts in advising people who have lost loved ones in accidents like these. We represented the victims' families at the 2014 fatal accident inquiry following the 2009 Super Puma crash, which killed 16 people, as well as the families of the victims involved in a similar crash in 2013.
Take the first step - Talk to Thompsons today
Making a claim for compensation can be a daunting prospect, but the experienced accident lawyers at Thompsons can make it a little bit easier for you. We'll be able to guide you through the process and advise you on the best way forward. While we can't turn back the clock, we hope that with our assistance you'll be in a better position to move on with your life.
If you have lost someone in a fatal accident, even if you are unsure whether you would be able to claim, contact our No Win No Fee lawyers today.