Back Injury Compensation Claims. No Win No Fee
Back injuries can vary from a simple strain to a serious injury which can permanently affect the sufferer's quality of life. You can expect to receive compensation between £4,575 up to £98,500.)
A back injury can cause anything from mild discomfort to major paralysis.
If the injury has been caused as a result of another person or organisation's negligence you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation.
How back injuries occur
The cases detailed below highlight various different circumstances under which claimants have suffered back injury and subsequently made successful claims for compensation.
Accidents at work, particularly in the construction and manufacturing sectors, often involve falls from height and crush incidents which can cause significant bodily injury.
Road traffic accidents have the potential to cause severe spinal damage, as well as more minor injuries such as back strains.
Individuals who have slipped or tripped as a result of an organisation or employer's negligence can also make a claim for compensation. While slips and trips sound fairly innocuous, compensation awards are made on the individual criteria of each case and the post-accident prognosis of the claimant.
Clinical negligence can also be a factor
Where doctors and health practitioners have failed to diagnose or treat back problems and this has led to permanent damage or disability, solicitors who specialise in medical negligence claims will be able to gather the expert evidence required to ensure the highest level of damages are sought.
Hynds v David Reekie & Sons Ltd 2013 The claimant, a 52 year old, was crushed by heavy machinery during the course of his employment. He was initially diagnosed as having suffered a soft tissue injury and had returned to work almost immediately, however, a series of investigations revealed that he had in fact sustained an unusual low velocity high torque crushing injury to his upper body and trunk resulting in structural alterations to the function and shape of his thoraco- lumbar spine which increased the incidence and severity of mechanical low back pain. Compensation awarded - £45,000
Dickie v Khandani 2012 The claimant, was in involved in a Road Traffic Accident. She had complained of, and had suffered, intermittent low back pain. She had carried out part time promotional work for a drinks company which involved wearing high heeled shoes, which she had had to limit following the accident, and she had given up the promotional work in late 2009 as a result of her back pain. She had won a local beauty competition, which entailed consequent duties to attend charity events and lengthy photo shoots, which she was required to limit due to her back pain. Her ongoing symptoms were held to be more than a nuisance. Compensation awarded £10,000
Gloria Jean Urquhart v Fife Primary Care NHS Trust 2007 The claimant was a nurse who suffered an injury to her back when trying to lift an elderly patient at work. She had a previous back condition that would have caused her difficulty in the future but these difficulties were accelerated by a period of 5 years by the accident. Compensation awarded for pain and suffering - £7,500
David Munnoch v Tay-Forth Foundries Limited 2007 In this case, the claimant fell through a roof fracturing vertebrae in his back. The claimant was placed in a body cast for 7 weeks and a spinal brace for 4 months. He would suffer discomfort permanently and was unfit for heavy manual work. Compensation awarded for pain and suffering - £18,000
William McEleny v Dr. Kamal Ohri and Others 2007 This case involved a failure of doctors to diagnose and treat an urgent back problem. The back problem lead to the claimant having bowel and urinary problems - having a marked effect on the claimant's quality and enjoyment of life. Compensation awarded for pain and suffering - £40,000
Remember, these cases are only a guide. The amount that you are awarded for your pain and suffering will depend on your particular injuries, how they have affected you and your recovery from them. Please call our lawyers FREE on 0800 0891 331 for a more detailed assessment of your case.