Scotland-Wide Contaminated Food Claim Lawyers
Food hygiene standards, and ratings schemes such as Scores on the Doors, exist for a reason. For example, if food is not correctly stored, even for a short period of time, potentially harmful bacteria can grow and, as anyone who has ever experienced food poisoning will understand, the effects of eating contaminated food can be painful and unpleasant.
Furthermore, illnesses caused by contaminated food can have more lasting effects and may sometimes lead to the development or exacerbation of debilitating conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – in a minority of cases, contaminated food may even prove fatal.
These facts are why food and drink manufacturers, retailers and suppliers, alongside hospitality and food service providers, all have a responsibility to ensure that the foodstuffs they sell and serve meet statutory food hygiene standards – if they fail in this regard they risk making consumers ill as well as being potential liable for compensation claims.
Making a claim for contaminated food
If you have developed food poisoning as a result of consuming foodstuffs bought from a shop, restaurant, pub or other establishment in Scotland, Thompsons' No Win No Fee lawyers can help you make a contaminated food compensation claim. We have a proud track record of representing clients in Scotland and can help you if you have been diagnosed with any of the following poisoning-related bacteria or parasites:
- Giardia
- Salmonella
- E.coli
- Norovirus
- Shigella
- Rotavirus
- Campylobacter
- Cryptosporidium
- Bacillus cereus
Contaminated food abroad
The vast majority of contaminated food compensation claims in Scotland are made for gastric illness suffered by holidaymakers abroad who have fallen victim to poor tour operator/hotel hygiene.
As it can take several days for food poisoning to develop, in some of these cases the illness may not become apparent until the claimant has returned home – whether you became ill abroad or on your return to Scotland, we can help you.
In many cases – for example, if you were on a package holiday or staying at an all-inclusive resort – you may be protected by The Package Travel Regulations 1992 thereby making it easier for you to claim. Find out more on our holiday illness FAQs page.
Protection in Scotland
In Scotland and the wider UK there are two major pieces of legislation to provide legal protection from food poisoning. These are the Consumer Protection Act 1987, which covers the obligations of suppliers and retailers, and The Food Safety Act 1990, which covers cases of food poisoning originating from the failures of restaurants, pubs, cafes or similar establishments. These legal instruments are enforced by Environmental Health Officers working for local authorities.
Contaminated food claim lawyers in Scotland
If you or a family member have suffered gastric illness and believe you can prove this was a result of failures of another party, we may be able to help you make a contaminated food compensation claim. We will help you understand the consumer claim process and your chances of success.
Contact us today on 0800 0891 331 for a no-obligation assessment of your claim.