Compensation Claims for Gastric Illness
In most outbreaks, a failure to ensure safe food preparation or storage practices is responsible. In fact, the vast majority of serious gastric illness cases that we represent our clients in are attributable to poor tour operator hygiene while the client is on a foreign holiday.
Bacteria take quite a long time to reproduce inside the human gut and some people are more resistant than others, meaning that the time before an illness becomes apparent will vary from person to person.
Could it be food poisoning?
Commonly, a period of up to two days will pass after a contaminated meal is consumed before symptoms begin to show.
However, some symptoms can appear more quickly. If there is a lot of toxin in the food when eaten the stomach is likely to react quite quickly by vomiting to try to remove the poison. This can happen within a few hours of eating the affected food.
Bacterial infection can impact the stomach in other ways too. It is a common misconception that the highly acidic environment of the stomach will keep the stomach immune from infection. There may be secondary complications too: studies have shown that most cases of stomach ulcers and gastritis are caused by bacterial infection.
Thompsons food poisoning lawyers
If you or a loved one has contracted food poisoning or another gastric illness and you believe this can be clearly attributed to a particular restaurant or facility then you may be able to make a claim for compensation.
Contact our No Win No Fee lawyers today on 0800 0891331 for an assessment of your claim.