Compensation Claims for Vehicle Accidents in Construction
In 2020/21, 25 workers were killed as a result of accidents involving vehicles.
Construction site vehicles may include cars, lorries, vans, mobile plant, low-loaders, forklifts, site dumpers, excavators and more.
Ensuring safe passage
Under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 construction site managers must make sure that the site is organised in such a way that it allows the free and safe passage of pedestrians and vehicles. Furthermore, the Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare) regulations 1992 apply to construction sites and impose obligations on employers to ensure safety of workers and, specifically, to prevent accidents on traffic routes.
Routes need to be appropriate for the workers or vehicles using them, in suitable locations and sufficient in number and size.
Precautions must be taken to ensure there is sufficient space between pedestrians and vehicles at all times and if this is not possible there must be arrangements in place to warn pedestrians of the risk of approaching vehicles.
It is not enough for construction site managers to simply put in place traffic routes and forget about them. They must ensure the routes are inspected, maintained and regularly checked.
Particular care should be taken to ensure safety in regard to the following considerations:
- Entrances and exits
- Walkways
- Crossings
- Visibility
- Obstructions
- Barriers
Read more about ways to improve safety in and around construction sites.
Claim compensation with Thompsons
To get Compensation advice call us free today on 0800 0891331 or complete the Compensation Claim form. We are recognised as one of the leading firms in Scotland and cement our reputation every week by securing around £1 million in compensation for our clients. For help and advice, contact us today.