Accidents Involving Office Workers
The latest figures from the Health & Safety Executive show that office workers, such as professionals, managers, IT workers, administrators and secretaries are statistically much more likely to suffer from ill health than be injured at work.
The most likely cause of this ill health is work-related stress.
Common office accidents
But accidents in the office do occur. The most common risks are:
- Slips and trips
- Electric shocks or burns
- Falls from height
- Manual handling accidents
- Unsafe work equipment
Claim compensation for an accident in the office
Employers are under a duty to provide a safe working environment for their employees. If you have been injured or suffered ill health because your workplace was not safe, then you may have a claim for compensation against your employer.
Common causes of office accidents include the following:
- No or inadequate risk assessment
- No or inadequate health and safety training
- Inadequate equipment
To discuss matters confidentially with our specialist accident and injury lawyers, give us a call on 0800 0891331. You are under no obligation to make a claim for compensation and if you decide to take matters further we will proceed on a no win no fee basis, meaning you pay nothing at all to fund the cost of your claim unless you win your case.