I love dogs but unfortunately my friends at Thompsons often have to help out people who have been injured because of a dog bite. I was pleased to see that new legislation has come into force to close a loophole in the Dangerous Dogs Act.
The Control of Dogs Bill will allow councils to impose restrictions on owners who fail to control their pets.
The bill could see owners forced to keep their dog on a lead in public or even order them to have their dog neutered. Dog owners could also be fined up to £1000 and irresponsible owners could be ordered to attend dog control training courses.
The Dogs Trust welcomed the introduction of the Act due to the fact that it places a legislative focus on the deed, rather on the breed of the dog. Previously the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 was criticised for doing little to protect the public and has had massive welfare implications for thousands of dogs who have been put down simply because of their breed. The legislation also means that dog owners will be held to be responsible even if their animal behaves in a dangerous manner in their own home.