Our client suffered multiple, serious injuries in a road traffic accident with a third party vehicle. She was referred to Thompsons through her union, UNISON.
The background
On the day of the car accident in August 2016, our client had been travelling in her car towards her home. Her husband was driving at the time.
It was starting to get dark and the weather was deteriorating as it began to rain. As our client's husband drove around a bend in the road, their car was stuck by a third party vehicle. The driver had been living in France prior to the accident and as a result was mistakenly driving on the wrong side of the road. The collision was head-on.
The police and emergency services attended the scene. Our client and her husband were taken to hospital by ambulance.
The consequences
Our client suffered internal abdominal injuries and injury to her pelvis. She suffered ongoing pain to her left thigh and elbow, and continues to suffer from PTSD. Her injuries required her to stay in hospital for four days and she was off work for a considerable length of time.
The settlement
The third party driver admitted liability at the scene and police brought criminal charges of dangerous driving against him.
The defender accepted Thompsons post-litigation offer of £110,000. Settlement of the serious injuries claim was agreed on 22 September 2020.