Carpal tunnel syndrome - Workers at risk
This means that there are some jobs that put workers more at risk of developing CTS than others. For example:
- Manual labour – the frequent strenuous grip that is needed for heavy lifting is thought to be a common cause of the condition.
- Working at a computer – although health professionals are still unsure as to whether it's definitively a cause of CTS, constant typing with poor wrist posture puts writers, data entry operatives, and, generally, those in office jobs, at risk of developing the WRULD
- Craftwork – the delicacy and dexterity required to make items by hand can cost craftspeople the comfortable movement of their wrists and fingers.
- Playing a musical instrument – the motion of playing certain instruments such as a guitar or violin means that the wrist is continuously put in a state of flexion, while many other instruments require the hands to work in similarly awkward positions. When practising for hours each day, the chances of getting CTS are increased
- Assembly line work – the continuous movement of packing and handling items for long shifts can put employees at risk.
CTS caused by machinery
As well as being the leading cause of hand arm vibration syndrome, it has also been found that those who make regular use of vibrating or percussive machinery and tools are far more likely to suffer an onset of CTS symptoms. Workers in the following industries are particularly prone to the condition due to the rate at which they encounter such tools:
- Construction
- Foundries
- Forestry
- Shipbuilding
- Heavy steel fabrication
Thompsons solicitors are here to help
Employers are obligated to take extra precautions if they know that their employees will be regularly carrying out tasks known to lead to CTS. Failure to take measures to improve workplace safety, such as neglecting to provide the appropriate training or information on the operation of equipment, could mean that the employer is at least partly liable if workers develop CTS or similar conditions. If you believe you have developed CTS as a result of improper working conditions, you could be entitled to claim compensation.
Thompsons Solicitors can assist you in making a claim if either you or a loved one has developed carpal tunnel syndrome as the result of negligence. We have a team of lawyers who are experts in handling workplace injury claims and can use their years of experience to guide and advise you through every step of the way.
Call us on 0800 0891331 to talk to one of our legal experts and see if you are able to make a claim.