Causes of Dupuytren's Contracture
Because this connective tissue is shorter than it should be it pulls the affected finger in towards it, and prevents the finger from extending back into its normal position.
Researchers have not yet fully worked out why this happens, but have pin-pointed a number of common factors:
- Genetics – the condition seems to run in families (4 to 7 in every 10 people with Dupuytren's have a family history of it)
- Injury to the wrist – research suggests that if you injure your wrist, perhaps by breaking it, then you might be more likely to develop the condition
- Diabetes – a few studies suggest that there might be a link
- Drinking or smoking – again, there is research suggesting a link with heavy drinking or smoking
- Males over 50 – men more than 50 years old are more likely to develop the condition
- History of epilepsy
- Of northern European descent
- Work conditions
Occupational causes
There is some recent evidence of a link between the condition and workers who use vibrating tools or machinery, or who are involved in manual labour.
In fact, a 2014 study of 4,969 men of working age found that the "risk of Dupuytren's contracture is more than doubled" when there is a high weekly level of occupational exposure to hand-transmitted vibration (HTV).
Claim compensation with Thompsons
If you have been diagnosed with an injury or illness that you believe is occupational in origin you may be entitled to claim compensation for your pain, injury, expenses and losses. Thompsons is the leading personal injury firm in Scotland , with offices right across the country. Call us on 0800 0891331 to see how much you could claim.