A story appeared on BBC news recently which highlights the failings of companies to properly recognise the dangers of asbestos. Angus Group Ltd, an asbestos removal firm, was fined £109,000 when it failed to adequately carry out the proper risk assessments before beginning asbestos removal work during the demolition of a primary school in Lincoln.
The Health & Safety Executive reported to a Court in Lincoln that there were serious inadequacies to the methods used by the firm in removing the asbestos materials from the school. There are shocking descriptions of asbestos paint being chiselled from walls with power tools and no extraction system; asbestos materials being bagged and thrown in skips outside; and worker’s not being provided with proper decontamination facilities. Even worse, the Paisley based firm didn’t remove all of the asbestos materials.
The scenes described to the Court in Lincoln are not too far from the working conditions Thompsons’ clients describe from the 1970s and 1980s. Unfortunately these instances are all too frequent. Employers are still not taking adequate steps to protect their workers from asbestos.
If you or someone you love is suffering from an asbestos-related disease, we can’t make you better. But we can help you claim compensation for the injury done to you, so that you and your family can cope better with the situation you face.
To find out more, give us a call today on 0800 0891331 and talk things through with one of our lung disease lawyers.