On a cold January morning, supply teacher Mrs Mackechnie was making her way out of her car, when she slipped and fell on an icy puddle in the school car park. The car park was very slippy following snow fall the previous day, but it had not been gritted when Mrs Mackechnie arrived at school that morning, despite that the pupils’ entrance had .
She fell to the ground, landing on her shoulder. Unable to get back to her feet, she was forced to crawl around her car to the passenger’s side to fetch her mobile phone so she could call the school office for help.
When help arrived, an ambulance was called. While waiting for the ambulance, two of Mrs Mackechnie’s colleagues told her that they too had slipped in the school car park due to the icy conditions. Grit had been placed at the pupil’s entrance, but the car park had been left untouched. She was taken to Wishaw General Hospital, where she received an x-ray, which revealed that she had broken her shoulder.
As a result of her fall, Mrs Mackechnie has lost all of her independence. She is constantly in a great deal of pain, so she can no longer drive and must rely on her husband to help with everyday tasks.
As Mrs Mackechnie is a member of The Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association, she is entitled to free legal services from Thompsons. Solicitor Jonathan Howat raised a claim again her employer, as they had failed to provide a safe workplace. After rejecting the initial offer, which Mrs Mackechnie was advised was too low, a further offer of £22,500 was made, which she was pleased to accept.
Jonathan said, “Mrs Mackechnie’s accident is a reminder of the importance of health and safety in the workplace. I hope that Mrs Mackechnie’s employer’s do all they can to ensure that this never happens again.”