If you or a loved one have been affected by an asbestos-related disease, Thompsons' solicitors in Dumfries can help you make an asbestos compensation claim.
Asbestos risks
Asbestos fibres are deadly. They are safe when contained in a solid piece of material which is completely intact, but the moment an asbestos-containing material (ACM) is broken, cut, sanded, or drilled, asbestos fibres are likely to be released and these fibres become lethal.
Anyone who breathes in or ingests asbestos fibres or dust becomes at risk of suffering an asbestos-related condition, such as:
- Asbestosis
- Mesothelioma
- Lung cancer
- Pleural plaques
- Diffuse pleural thickening
Asbestos use in Scotland
Asbestos was used in many industries because of its flame retardant properties. And in the early part of the 20th Century it was heavily used in construction, shipbuilding, brake manufacture, engineering and for insulation across a wide range of applications, especially in some of the heavy industry sectors in Scotland.
For many years, employers and employees worked with asbestos and ACMs without knowing the risks they faced or the potential harm asbestos could do.
Due to the long latency period associated with asbestos-related conditions – it can take up to several decades between exposure and the commencement of symptoms which lead to a diagnosis of asbestos-related disease – the substance was used for many years before being banned and is still present in some older buildings today.
Many employees were unwittingly exposed before the risks were understood, but even after the dangers were known about, many employers continued to use ACMs and failed to provide information, protection or training for their employees.
We also now know that asbestos not only affected those who worked with it or ACMs directly, but others suffered exposure as well: family members of workers, employees in buildings that were constructed with ACMs and residents who lived close to asbestos using industries, are also among those who have contracted asbestos illnesses.
Thompsons' acted for the family of a deceased woman in a landmark asbestos claim case which involved secondary exposure.
Making an asbestos disease claim in Dumfries and Galloway
The long period of time it takes for symptoms of an asbestos disease to appear, means that many men and women who discover they have an asbestos-related disease will no longer be working in the place where the asbestos exposure occurred. Some people may not even know where they were exposed to asbestos, and the place at which the exposure occurred may no longer be trading or operating.
This is where the experienced asbestos claim solicitors at Thompsons can help. We have a significant knowledge of this area and have been providing legal advice to those affected by asbestos conditions for more than forty years.
When you approach the Dumfries team of personal injury solicitors, we will listen very carefully to everything you tell us so that we can pinpoint the most likely source of your asbestos exposure and seek compensation from the appropriate party.
If the business or institution is no longer operating we will trace their insurer through an active database, as it is in fact the insurer who will pay your asbestos claim compensation if your case is successful.
No Win No Fee asbestos claims
In almost all cases, our asbestos claims service is provided on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that in the unlikely event your claim is unsuccessful you won't be asked to pay a penny.
If you win your case, a portion of your compensation is set aside to cover court costs and solicitor fees. We will always discuss the details of this with you at the outset, so there will never be any unwelcome surprises at the end of your asbestos compensation claim.
Asbestos compensation claims in Dumfries
To talk to us about making an asbestos compensation claim in Dumfries and Galloway you can call our main switchboard on 0800 0891 331 and we will direct you to the most appropriate person to handle your enquiry.
You can speak to someone face-to-face by visiting our Dumfries office, situated at 43 Buccleuch Street, in the heart of Dumfries. To find out how to get to the office and who will be looking after your Dumfries compensation claim, our FAQ page has lots of information about Thompsons' personal injury solicitors in Dumfries.
Talk to Thompsons about asbestos compensation claims – we are one of Scotland's leading personal injury firms and have the expertise you need to receive the justice you deserve.