Neck Sprains & Whiplash can cause prolonged disability
In a road traffic accident, acute sprains of the cervical spine may occur because a sudden motion bends the spine. The severity of these injuries depends on the relative movements of the head and the neck, as well as the body and the forces of acceleration caused by the car crashing.
Rear end, front end, or side impacts may all result in these sudden movements, and may all produce these "whiplash" type injuries.
Around fifteen to thirty percent of car accident victims, examined soon after the accident, are found to have experienced neck sprain of some sort. About 60% of them are found to be suffering from a neck sprain in the longer term.
If the neck sprain is severe, it may even cause permanent disability. Symptoms such as headaches, interscapular pain, abnormal neurological signs and osteoarthritic changes of the cervical spine for more than two months, can be indicators of a prolonged disability.
Pain, suffering, and disability after acute neck sprains can be reduced if doctors recognise that these injuries, especially those that occur after rear end impacts, may cause long term disability.
Proper care, physiotherapy and exercise can aid recovery, and minimise the negative consequences of the accident.
If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and need the specialist advice and assistance of our No Win No Fee lawyers, call 0800 0891331 and we will help you claim the compensation you deserve.