Common Road Traffic Injuries
Over 195,000 people were injured in road traffic accidents on British roads in 2012. This is a shocking figure, but it does not fully convey the profound impact each accident can have on the individuals involved and their families. While nothing can completely alleviate the pain and suffering caused by a motor accident injury, expert advice on medical, legal, and financial issues can help manage the aftermath.
If you have been injured in a car or motorcycle accident, our sympathetic injury lawyers can advise whether you might be entitled to compensation. They will explain the process of making a claim and advise you on the amount of compensation you may be entitled to, depending on the type and severity of the injury you have suffered.
Common Road Traffic Injuries
Car accidents can lead to a variety of injuries, many of which can have long-lasting effects on victims. Additionally, car accident shock and car accident physiological shock are common psychological impacts that can exacerbate the physical pain and distress experienced after an accident. Understanding the types of injuries that can occur is crucial for anyone involved in such incidents.
Road Accident Injury Claims
Did you know that whiplash is not technically an injury but a description of how the head and neck react during a road traffic accident? There is no exhaustive list of injuries that can result from a road traffic accident, as many factors can influence the type and severity of injuries. These factors include the type of vehicle involved, the speed at which the vehicles were traveling, the safety rating of the vehicle you were in, and the type of restraint you were wearing.
Some common injuries resulting from road traffic accidents include:
- Neck Injuries
- Lower Back Injuries
- Prolapsed Discs
- Shoulder and Arm Injuries
- Seatbelt Injuries
- Fractures and Arthritis
- Crush Injuries
Sadly, in motorcycle accidents, brain and spinal injuries are fairly common too. These injuries can be severe and life-changing, highlighting the importance of seeking professional legal advice.
If you have been involved in a road traffic accident, even if you are unsure whether you would be able to claim compensation, contact our No Win No Fee lawyers today at 0800 0891 331. We can investigate your case and advise you on the first steps towards receiving compensation.
Motor Accidents and Shock
A road traffic accident can be a shocking and distressing experience with long-term psychological consequences. In many cases, people involved in a road traffic accident suffer from immediate shock, even if they have not sustained any physical injuries. This is because, in stressful situations, adrenaline is released into the bloodstream to keep muscles tense, ready to react at any second. This natural reaction can have negative side effects, including dizziness, drowsiness, shakiness, mental distress, and digestive problems.
Physiological and Psychological Shock
Psychological shock from an accident is distinct from car accident physiological shock, which is a recognised medical emergency caused by inadequate blood flow around the body. Physiological shock can result from heart problems, major blood loss, or a severe allergic reaction and must be treated immediately.
Psychological shock can be more challenging to identify and address. However, individuals experiencing psychological shock may benefit from regulating their breathing and drinking plenty of water to expel toxins released through stress. Taking a calming bath, having a light meal, and talking things through with a friend can also be beneficial. Even if you are not displaying any strong symptoms of physical injury, it is advisable to get checked by a doctor if you feel unusual in any way following a road traffic accident.
Sometimes the psychological symptoms of shock last longer than expected. If they persist, seeking counseling might be necessary, as even a relatively minor car accident can result in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
According to the United States' National Center for PTSD, 9% of all car accident survivors develop some form of PTSD. Studies also indicate that 60% of those who seek psychological help following a car accident have PTSD. Additionally, as many as 53% of car accident survivors develop depression.
Lower Limb Injuries and Motor Accidents
Lower limb injuries are one of the most common types of injury arising as a result of road traffic accidents. In fact, the United Kingdom Cooperative Crash Injury Study database shows that the lower limbs are the body parts most frequently injured in car crashes.
In car accidents, lower limb injuries – injuries to thighs, legs, feet, ankles and joints - are usually caused by direct contact between the interior parts of the car impacting with the person, often because the car has crumpled under the force of the collision, or because the sudden deceleration flings the limb against parts of the car.
In motorcycle accidents and accidents involving bicycles, lower limb injuries can also be caused by the victim being thrown to the ground, or hurled against other objects, such as trees and road signs.
Even though lower limb injuries – especially injuries to the foot or ankle – are not generally life-threatening, they can cause considerable pain and suffering to the individuals involved. Badly broken or crushed limbs may require amputation.
In such cases, long-term treatment and rehabilitation is often required, and sometimes there is a permanent disability.
Scotland's Leading Personal Injury Firm
If you or someone you love has suffered injuries in a motor accident, contact Thompsons' accident compensation specialists. We will advise you on the best way forward. Claims are made on a no win, no fee basis. Our experienced team will guide you through the process, ensuring you receive the support and compensation you deserve.