Motorcycle accident claim - short case study
The riders and pillion passengers of motorbikes are around 35 times more likely to die in a road traffic accident than the drivers and passengers of cars. In addition, they are around 50 times more likely to sustain a serious or catastrophic brain or spinal injury when involved in a motorbike accident.
As much as Scotland can be a brilliant place for the motorcycling experience – thrilling rural roads and breathtaking scenery – it can also be a very dangerous place to be on a motorbike, particularly as so many road users still fail to properly consider riders on two wheels and their vulnerable position on the road.
If you have been involved in a road traffic accident, whether as a rider or a pillion passenger, and believe another person may be responsible for the incident, talk to Thompsons' personal injury solicitors today for help, advice and information regarding your possible entitlement to compensation.
Motorcycle accident claim case study
Nursery nurse Linda Smith was the pillion passenger on a motorbike being driven by her partner. They were riding along country roads in central Scotland when a car pulled out from a junction directly into their path in such circumstances that there was no prospect of the motorbike stopping or avoiding the car.
The motorbike collided with the vehicle and Ms Smith was thrown from the bike and travelled a considerable distance along the road causing injuries to her back, neck and arm.
She thankfully made a fairly quick recovery but her ongoing symptoms for some time did affect her training as a nursery nurse.
The insurers took the usual attitude towards parties injured while travelling on a motorbike: they assumed that the accident was the fault of the motorbike and refused to make payment within a reasonable timeframe.
Fortunately, a Court action was raised on Ms. Smith's behalf and the case quickly settled with Ms. Smith receiving £6,500 in motorcycle accident compensation.
Help claiming compensation
Every week Thompsons helps recover around £1 million for its clients. If you would like help, advice and information about securing the maximum possible sum of compensation in the shortest possible time call 0800 0891331 today for free legal advice.