Road Accidents in Car Parks
Accidents in car parks are very common and injuries occur frequently.
The severity of injuries suffered in car park accidents varies tremendously – from minor slips and trips to serious, even fatal, car accidents involving pedestrians. Vehicles are at risk too, and repairs can be very costly. However, car park accidents can be easily prevented, if drivers and pedestrians are careful and responsible.
To avoid a car accident try to avoid parking close to another car which is manoeuvring and away from pedestrian areas. If this is not possible, be patient and allow other road users to either park, or drive/walk away. Always use your indicators to let other drivers know what you are about to do and which direction your vehicle is about to go in.
Try to park as close to centre of the parking space as possible. This ensures that the driver who will park next to you has enough space to manoeuvre.
Above all, you should be attentive and drive slowly; do not pull out of a parking space without checking whether any cars are approaching, and do not make a turn if you are unsure of what another driver is planning to do. Furthermore, always check your wing and rearview mirrors to ensure you are fully aware of any pedestrians, cyclists, motorcycles, cars or other vehicles.
By following these steps, you will reduce the risk of causing a car accident and will keep yourself safe.
Car park accidents – the statistics
According to the AA eight out of 10 drivers have suffered damage to their parked car after leaving it in a car park.
Furthermore, car park accidents are the most common type of car accident insurance claim in the UK. In percentage terms, this means that 20 percent of all claims – equivalent to around 6 million a year – are for vehicle damage sustained in car parks.
However, it is thought that is figure is misleading and in reality is likely to be much higher. This is because many drivers are reluctant to risk their no-claim discount for this type of accident.
And the idea that vehicle-to-vehicle collisions in car parks don't result in injury isn't true either. This is because even low-velocity accidents can result in whiplash injury and each year thousands of such incidents occur in the UK's car parks.
Claim compensation with Thompsons today
Thompsons is the leading personal injury solicitor firm in Scotland and can help you claim the compensation you deserve today. Talk to an expert by calling us on 0800 0891 331.