Abdominal injuries are common in road traffic accidents and in some cases will result in damage to the liver, kidneys, spleen or intestinal tract which can be extremely serious. Abdominal trauma may also result in bleeding and, if the bowel is damaged, spillage of intestinal content.
Other serious abdominal injuries include the rupturing of the abdominal aorta or the rupturing of the stomach. Unless treated promptly, such injuries are likely to prove fatal.
The abdomen is most likely to be injured in a car accident where the steering wheel or some other hard object impacts the chest or stomach. This can cause rib pain or even rib fractures, which can in turn cause inner bleeding or puncturing of one or both lungs.
Sometimes, the internal bleeding is initially minor but becomes increasingly worse because it has been left unnoticed and untreated. It is useful to remember, therefore, the symptoms of internal bleeding. These symptoms are as follows:
- Abdominal pain
- Passing blood in stools
- Coughing blood
- Vomiting blood
- Vaginal bleeding
- Blood in urine
- Unusually pale complexion
- Painful joints
- Fatigue
- Excessive thirst
- Feeling cold
Seat belt sign
Although seat belts reduce the incidence of head and chest injuries, they may increase the rate of abdominal injuries. So-called "seat belt sign" injuries result in bruising to the abdomen along the line of the lap section of the seat belt; this injury is also associated with injury to the internal organs as well as haematomas.
Car accident compensation claims
If you or anyone in your family has been injured in a road accident, contact Thompsons accident compensation lawyers on 0800 0891331 for legal advice that is without obligation. We will help you take your first steps to receiving the compensation that you deserve.