As a taxi driver you probably clock up more road miles than almost any other type of road user, and if you are involved in an accident that is not your fault, or for which you are only partially responsible, it is likely that you are entitled to claim compensation.
As well as compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries, you may also be able to claim for any financial losses you incur as a result. This could include:
- Loss of earnings
- The cost of repairing your taxi
- The cost of hiring a replacement cab for use while your own vehicle is being repaired
- The cost of a replacement cab if your own vehicle is written off
- Medical and rehabilitation expenses
Taxi drivers and accidents, the statistics
According to a 2014 Road Safety Analysis report, taxi drivers are less likely to be involved in an accident involving substance abuse or speeding than other types of road user. However, taxi drivers are 21% more likely to be distracted than other drivers, are 26% more likely to engage in unsafe road behaviour and 52% more likely to commit a road safety offence.
Yet, given that the report's findings were not calculated on a 'per-mile' basis it would be difficult to draw too many negative conclusions about the driving habits of taxi drivers.
Taxi driver injury claims
According to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 a taxi is defined as the following:
A hire car which is engaged, by arrangements made in a public place between the person to be conveyed in it (or a person acting on his behalf) and its driver for a journey beginning there and then; and "private hire car" means a hire car other than a taxi within the meaning of this subsection
If you are a taxi driver and have sustained injury in a road traffic accident, our specialists can help you start your compensation claim now. Call 0800 0891331 for no win no fee help and advice.