Whether you were a pedestrian, a cyclist, a driver or a passenger, if you have sustained personal injury and financial loss as a result of another party's actions, at least in part, leading to a car accident in Kelso, Peebles, Galashiels or elsewhere, Thompson's Scottish injury lawyers in the Borders can help you secure the full amount of compensation to which you are entitled.
Improving safety on Scotland's roads
During 2014 200 people suffered fatal injury on Scotland's roads, an increase of 16% on the 172 deaths recorded in 2013. However, there was a 2% decrease in the total number of personal injuries reported compared to the previous year.
Looked at in the longer term, there has been a decline in the number of car accident deaths, with numbers having fallen starkly since 1969's peak of 892.
Positive driving
Despite all the advances in safe driving technology that have taken place over the past few decades, the single biggest factor in improving road safety is the adoption of better driving behaviour.
And driver behaviour remains the key to further improvement, whether it is speed or seatbelt issues; drink, drug or text driving issues; negotiation of rural roads or the education and training of younger drivers.
Scotland's national casualty reduction targets
The Scottish Government has said it aims to achieve the following targets by 2020:
- Reduce road accident deaths by 40%
- Reduce child road accident deaths by 50%
- Reduce serious injures by 55%
- Reduce child road accident injuries by 65%
The government has said that it is committed to "a steady reduction in the numbers of those killed and those seriously injured, with the ultimate vision of a future where no-one is killed on Scotland's roads, and the injury rate is much reduced."
No win, no fee accident lawyers in the Borders
If you have suffered injury and financial loss as a result of a road accident caused by another party, it is reasonable that you are worried about the potential cost of making a claim.
However, the Scottish injury lawyers at Thompsons' Borders offices work to ensure maximum compensation under a no win, no fee agreement. This means that if your case is not successful, you will not be charged any costs or fees – we guarantee that there are no hidden costs.
Whether you live in Kelso or elsewhere in the Borders call 0800 0891 331 to speak with a Scottish injury lawyer at one of our Borders offices today.