It is illegal to drive a vehicle in the UK without being properly insured. If you are caught driving while uninsured you face a fixed penalty of £300 and the police can impose six penalty points on your licence.
If the case ends up in court you could be fined up to £5,000 and be banned from driving.
Despite this, many people knowingly drive without proper insurance and this can create serious problems for the rest of us we are involved in a road accident caused by someone without proper cover. This is because insurance covers the financial consequences of injuring someone in an accident. Without it, the injured person can't make a claim against the driver's insurer and this could mean they would be likely to get no compensation at all.
This is one of the reasons why, in 1946, the Government set up a special fund called the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB). The MIB is funded by all the motor insurance companies in the UK, and pays compensation to the victims of road traffic accidents caused by uninsured or untraceable drivers.
This means that if you have been injured in an accident caused by an uninsured driver you will still be able to claim compensation for your pain, suffering and financial losses. The procedures involved are slightly different to those involved in most compensation claim processes against insurers, but our accident claim solicitors can explain these to you if you decide to make a claim.
MIB statistics
Drivers who take to the road without appropriate insurance and/or a valid driving license present a clear risk to other road users.
According to the Motor Insurers' Bureau, 'uninsured and untraced drivers' are responsible for 130 road deaths and 26,500 car crash injuries every year in the UK. This is calculated to cost more than £400 million.
And, although the MIB is there to provide law-abiding road users with a safety net for the harm caused by uninsured drivers, the impact is still felt by all.
Claim with Scotland's leading firm
If you have sustained injury in a road accident that has been caused by another party, whether insured or uninsured, Thompsons can help you secure compensation for your pain, suffering, lost earnings and expenses. Call us on 0800 0891331 to see how much you could claim.