Learning to drive is a practical experience: there is no way to do it other than to get on the road and drive.
Unfortunately, some learner drivers can be a potential hazard, both to themselves and other drivers. This is not only because many learner drivers are yet to learn the skills that will make them safe and reliable road users, it is also because other drivers on the road may become impatient and not give them the space and tolerance they require. Plus, when a driver gets too close to a learner driver this can lead to accidents as a result of the learner's sometimes unexpected actions, such as stalling or failure to move off when the following driver may expect it.
It is therefore important for learner drivers to remain calm and not allow others to distract them. However, experienced drivers must also share in this responsibility and should try to be understanding and patient in order to reduce the risk of a car accident occurring.
Instructing a learner driver
The instructor/supervisor plays an essential role in ensuring a safe driving experience for the learner driver and must conform to road safety laws as if he or she were actually in charge of the vehicle.
Furthermore, in order to be legally allowed to instruct a learner driver, an instructor/supervisor must meet the following requirements:
- Have held a full driving licence for more than three years
- Be 21 or older
- Be insured to drive the vehicle
- Ensure that the learner driver is named on the insurance policy
- Clearly display L-plates on the vehicle
- Ensure that vehicle is fully roadworthy
Claim compensation for an accident involving a learner driver
If you or anyone in your family has been injured in a motor accident involving a learner driver, you may be entitled to claim compensation.
Thompsons is a leading personal injury firm in Scotland and can help you achieve compensation for your losses, injuries and expenses on a no win, no fee basis. To talk to an expert about making a claim, call us on 0800 0891331. Alternatively, click through for an online chat.