Over recent years whiplash has become synonymous with the personal injury claim. This is because the nature of car accidents makes whiplash a very common injury as the accelerative and decelerative forces typical to most rear-end, front-on and side-shunt crashes can cause whiplash injury to occur in even relatively low speed, low impact collisions.
The NHS states that it takes an average of 32 days to recover from a car accident-related whiplash injury. However, one in five of all whiplash sufferers will have pain and complications that last for up to one year. Long-term symptoms of whiplash injury include pain, headaches and limited mobility. Such complications can cause a range of secondary symptoms, including depression, anxiety and other stress.
What can a whiplash claim achieve?
Making a whiplash claim with Thompsons' solicitors in Glasgow can help you seek compensation to pay for whiplash related expenses, such as physiotherapy, medical fees and other treatment.
Ensuring such treatment is obtained quickly can be vital to ensuring the best possible recovery within the shortest possible time frame. Furthermore, claiming compensation can also help you secure money to meet the cost of financial losses caused by your injury, whether lost earnings accrued as a result of time taken off work, financial losses incurred as a result of medical fees or the cost of a piece of specialist medical equipment such as a neck brace. Finally, whiplash compensation may also go some way to recognising the pain, injury and inconvenience caused to you by another party's actions.
How common are whiplash injury claims?
As the team of personal injury solicitors who work in Thompsons' Glasgow office can testify, whiplash claims are very common among victims of mild to moderate severity car accidents.
In fact, statistics from the Government's Claims Portal reveal that such cases cost around £2.5 billion a year and account for approximately 80% of the 840,000 motor accident claims made in the UK each year.
Genuine claimants de-stigmatised
Ever since 2013's introduction of Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2013 there has been a significant reduction in the personal injury lawyer fees and other costs associated with making a whiplash injury claim - there has also been a 19% fall in the making of such claims.
"The effect of legal changes such as Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act continues to be felt across the industry," says David Brown from Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA).
"This has not just meant a reduction in legal costs, but, at least for now, fewer claims being brought forward."
The reforms have also had the effect of reducing the stigma of claiming for whiplash; a definite advantage for the thousands of genuine claimants across the country, whether they are instructing whiplash claim solicitors in Glasgow or elsewhere.
Whiplash claim solicitors in Glasgow
Thompsons whiplash claim solicitors in Glasgow understand all the issues associated with claims for this most common of all car accident injury types.
We have an excellent success rate - we win over 90% of our personal injury cases and recover over £1 million every week for our clients. Call 0800 0891331 today for free legal advice.